Why should I apply for my child to S.A.B. ?
S.A.B. is an exclusive program. Only a limited number of applicants participate, in order to give special attention to each individual, while focusing on a high standard in education and athletics.  S.A.B. services provide mentoring for your child, sports opportunities, introduction to top international schools, housing with a host family, cultural experiences and fun activities to enjoy.

What programs does S.A.B. offer ?
S.A.B. offers diverse programs for student athletes focused on soccer and basketball. You can choose our full package combining education & sports, a sports only training package or a scouting opportunity option. A summertime, fun-filled training program is also available.  All skill levels, from beginner to advanced are welcome.

How can I apply to S.A.B. ?
Please go to the "Admissions" tab and complete the Registration of Interest online form.

What happens after I complete the Registration of Interest online form ?
Your information is reviewed and we provide details about your program of choice and answer any initial questions. A comprehensive application form will be sent via email, in order to continue the admissions process. Report cards and behavioral records may be required. Thereafter, a full review regarding approval begins. Once approved, you will promptly be sent the S.A.B. contract. Please note all S.A.B. fees must be received at least six weeks before the academy program session begins.

My child does not play soccer or basketball, can S.A.B. accommodate other sports ?
Yes, in certain cases. Once specific details are provided, S.A.B. can try to customize a program for you.

How can parents communicate with S.A.B. ?
Communication and transparency is a top priority. You will have a phone number and direct email address to S.A.B. You will receive weekly reports via email from our teachers and coaches regarding your child's progress. You will also have your child's personal assistants cell phone number to call at any time, day or night.
Please feel free to contact S.A.B. with any questions.

How safe is my child in Berlin ?
Safety is of utmost importance at S.A.B.  Berlin is a safe city. All safety precautions will be taken. Your child must have a cell phone, so in the case of an emergency, your child can call an ambulance, police, S.A.B. or their parents.  A German sim card is provided with our Premium or Blue Sports packages.

Where will my child live ?
Your child will be placed with a host family that best fits his or her needs. The host families reside within the Berlin city area. The family has been thoroughly screened, interviewed and submitted references of recommendation.

Is my child insured ?
Our participants are automatically insured through S.A.B. for Personal Liability Insurance, Accident Insurance, and Health Insurance. You will receive a complete insurance package with your application.

In the case of emergency, what is the S.A.B. policy ?
First and foremost, medical attention will be given to your child, per the parental signed medical release. Berlin has very good hospitals and doctors to care for your child. In the case of any sports injuries S.A.B. will contact an experienced doctor.

Who are the S.A.B. coaches ?
Our coaches are highly qualified and experienced professionals in the sports world. Please review their resumes on our website.

Where can I find information about the school at the Academy ?
S.A.B. is not an official school. Through our network, the academy connects student athletes to our private international school partners. The schools are highly regarded and have high educational standards.

Is my child is automatically accepted to school when S.A.B. approves my application ?
No, this is not the case and is dependent on the S.A.B. program choice. Applicants are required to have a good grade point average and strong English and or German language skills. Students with poor previous scholastic or behavioral records cannot be accepted. Our school partners are responsible for the final decision of acceptance.

What type of payments does S.A.B. accept ?
S.A.B. only accepts payment through a bank transfer. All bank details are provided when you are sent the contract. Credit card and cash payments are not accepted.

What if I have a specific request ?

Please email us directly at .